Greetings Fellow RMWC Co-Owners: New Tank Connection and Sanitation The new tank is installed and connected to the system. We will begin the sanitation process this coming Monday, October 29th. Once this process is complete, the tank will be ready for storage and use. We don’t anticipate service interruption on Monday. However, if you are presently using […]
10/3/18 Riebli Mutual Water Co – System Update / “Will Serve” Letter
Greetings Fellow System Co-Owners, It’s hard to believe we are nearing the one-year mark of the firestorm last year. It seems like it was both yesterday and lifetime ago. The board has been able to push things along on the insurance recovery and FEMA fundings front. It appears that at this point that the majority of our […]

Feb 2018 Benzene Test Results
Given the press surrounding benzene and Fountaingrove water, the Board decided it would be prudent to have our water tested. Please review the report below. No benzene was detected at any of three sample points.
Feb. 2018 Geotechnical Report
Attached is the geotech report for the tank site. PJC and Associates, Inc. (PJC) is pleased to submit the results of our geotechnical investigation for the proposed water tank replacement located at 212 Meadowcroft Way in Santa Rosa, California. The approximate location of the project site is shown on the Site Location Map, Plate 1. […]
1/20/18 Update on the Status of Riebli Mutual Water System
Greetings Fellow Co-Owners of the Riebli Mutual Water Company: A lot has transpired since our last update. Here is a summary of the status of our water system: Short-term water delivery – we received notice from our water engineer, AJ Piro, and the county health department that we can remove boil notices from the 5 surviving […]
11/11/17 Update on the Status of Riebli Mutual Water System
Greetings Co-owners of the Riebli Mutual Water System- Members of your board have been proactively meeting with county, state and federal agencies to restore our water system. We are in the process of securing the requisite approvals and assistance to restore temporary water service to the surviving homes while developing a longer term plan to […]
Water off for pump repair
A shut-off valve at one of our pump locations has broken and we have arranged to have it repaired on Tuesday, 4 April 2017 between 9:00 AM and 12:00 noon. In order for this repair to be made, we must shut the water off. Please plan accordingly. Thanks for your cooperation, Tony Shoemaker President, Riebli Mutual […]