Our water company is required to test for different components in our drinking water on a regularly scheduled basis. The recent received “Consumer Confidence Report” is an annual report. Other tests are on biannual or triennial basis. As long as the measured components are within acceptable levels, we remain on this schedule (or in the […]
Citation for Non-Compliance
We were notified by the agency (State Water Resources Control Board – Division of Drinking Water) that has oversight of our mutual water system – Riebli Mutual Water Company, that our system engineer neglected to complete one of our required water sample tests in 2019 for 2020, 2021 and 2022. As a mutual water company, we […]

Online Resources
Sonoma County Recovers ~ https://www.sonomacountyrecovers.org Official recovery information for Sonoma County fires – Info on Debris Removal, Basic Needs, Damaged Property, Financial Help, Housing, Rebuilding, Maps, Notification & Community Involvement