We were notified by the agency (State Water Resources Control Board – Division of Drinking Water) that has oversight of our mutual water system – Riebli Mutual Water Company, that our system engineer neglected to complete one of our required water sample tests in 2019 for 2020, 2021 and 2022.
As a mutual water company, we are required to run tests for various components several times per year. One of the tests our system is required to complete is to collect samples for total trihalmethanes (TTHM) and helacetic acids five (HAA5). TTHMs and HAA5s can form in water when disinfectants used to control microbial pathogens combine with naturally occurring materials found in source water. The test is required to be completed every three years for systems such as ours that have not had detectable levels in past tests.
Our system engineer completed the test on March 23, 2021. Once we receive the results of the test, we will post them on this website.
Attached below are the official notification and citation. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Kevin Baughman
President, Riebli Mutual Water Company
MCL Citation Notice (PDF)
RMWC Citation 02_18_21C_024 (PDF)
Click to open each PDFs. There’s a preview image at the top of the opened page, and the full document is below, readable when you click on it. MCL Citation Notice is 12 pages. RMWC Citation 02_18_21C_ is 3 pages.