Greetings Fellow RMWC Co-Owners:
New Tank Connection and Sanitation
The new tank is installed and connected to the system. We will begin the sanitation process this coming Monday, October 29th. Once this process is complete, the tank will be ready for storage and use. We don’t anticipate service interruption on Monday. However, if you are presently using water, you may be with out water for a few hours. If it is any longer than that, we will contact existing homeowners currently on their properties. We expect to find the water line from Well 2 to the tank to be undamaged and intact, but we won’t know for certain until we begin filling the new tank. This line has not been in service since the fire. If you have scheduled water needs for concrete work on Monday, you may want to reschedule the work or arrange for a separate water source.
Later in the week of October 29th, there may be periods of time where there will be no water for a few hours. This is due to shutting down the temporary tank and testing and releasing the sanitized water in the new tank. We will alert you ahead of time if it appears we will need to shut portions of the system down.
New Homeowner Property Connections
Excavation began earlier in the month of the East Riebli and Pinecroft arms of the system for new concrete boxes and valves. It will be a slow process to replace these connections. We will experience water outages as we shut sections of the system down to allow the plumber to make is connections. We will alert those effected ahead of any outages.
Rain Run-Off
It is each homeowner’s responsibility to manage rain water run-off on their properties. This is especially important if you have begun construction or still have exposed fire damage (trees, fences, foundations, etc.). If you have property that drains to a seasonal creek, you will need to manage that run-off. Our neighbor, Doug Allard (owner of The Wattle Guys), has graciously agreed again this year to provide waddles (those long tubes of straw) to any Hidden Hills homeowners free of charge. He can also give you advice on placement. You may reach him at
RMWC Board of Directors